Monday, February 17, 2014

Day 40: Following Breadcrumbs

You are my heart, my Love, the desire of my soul,
I appreciate being able to express myself so bold,
Leaking feelings and not have them touch the ground,
Sounds of Love produce when we're so close,
It's rhythm reeks of melodies refusing to be heard alone,
My eyes uncluttered revealing the glory before me,
Thinking how best to love you and in so many ways,
Pleasing you, making your happiness my greatest achievement,
Noticing I haven't wanted that for another in a while.
But now I want this forever, you always, refuse to let us go,
God speaks making the echos of my thoughts now silent.
Chasing His direction, a path that leads to purpose,
Rendezvousing where Love resides a trail never cold to you nor I.