Sunday, March 23, 2014

Psalms of Love Series: His Delight

I bless the Lord for all His benefits,
His tender mercies are beyond my comprehension,
For His creation is beyond measure,
And with His hands has He sculpted her.
Through the storm and the fire,
He forged her with strength and power,
Her heart clings to Him as a lover long not seen,
His glorious daughter of Zion,
He has placed her in high places,
And in my eyes there is no other.
Her beauty causes the Earth to tremble,
Even the sea remembers her name.
She is His delight, she is my Love.
I marvel at His blessing, and His lovely gift.
A gift I don't feel worthy to behold, let alone hold.
For I am smitten with her words,
And by her love I am revived every morning,
With a finger she stirs my soul,
Yielding more praise to her designer.
My lips offer praise to His name continually,
For He who created the universe causes me to Love,
Even as He has loved, His gifts are far beyond diamonds,
More lovely than precious stones,
And His creation is far beyond measure.