Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Hope of Love

Connect from the unknown, to what is clearly seen,
The love that lives between you and I.
And there’s never enough words to clearly convey,
My life without you, should you go away.

Unseen footprints leading to once closed doors,
Allowing me to love you more than stars yearn to shine.
Be more than my Valentine, a Crush or Dream,
A connection more than thoughts conceptualize.

Like newborn screams for the breath of Life,
Your that Hope brought from day to night.
I observe your heart venture where it should never be,
As I desire gravity to escort you closer to me.

Realizing what some have mentioned, others always perceived,
The love and passion carried, and why we delay to be.
As feelings land everywhere expect where Love demanded,
To proceed in this direction, we'll never to be the same.

And how could I expect you to see, where I was also blind,
Pursuing the light in others, unable to see before my eyes.
That the one I always loved, was right in my view,
Now present, my embrace forevermore consume.

Confessing the truths, which were hidden so deep within,
With treasured dreams, as seconds tend to fade away,
In hope of Love we search reality for truths, no lies,
For those who wished for this moment, like you and I.