Tuesday, February 23, 2021

#197: We Don't Have to Talk

It's been a while since my ears heard your voice,
Sadden without the tingle of your words they can't rejoice.
Enjoying your life, living on happily without me...I'll endure,
When there was a time you were my only cure.

The coin's other side revealing I'm still your biggest fan,
Foolish of me to fight against the Master and his plans.
Yet, I relish in the notion that our Love was real,
When time moved forward but these moments reside.

Even if you love another, it could never be what we've birthed,
Love created from above, now dwelling on Earth.
Refusing to be entrapped by "what isn't", 
When "what was" can never be destroyed.

Thoughts of loving you, not Past, they're eternal, 
So when I said I'll always loved you, I never lied.
Immortal...whether we never speak, 
Touched....whether your hands never caress.
When feeling you in places hands could never embrace.

Riches of those days, can never leave me broke,
As for a time you were solely mine, and I yours. 
Though it could never be the same, even if I loved another, 
When embedded memories testify of you like no other.