Thursday, January 4, 2018

Never Ending Love

I have yet to grasp if I'm awake or dreaming,
I feel nothing,yet feel everything,
As if I've arrived at a destination
One in which was a journey too long.

I'm immune to the voices that speak poison,
It's a situation that is not their own.
As my assignment is's always been,
From the beginning of's always been.
From the moment God said let there be,
We were created in His's always been.

And I?
I grab hold of every abnormal thought,
Those which would seduce me away from you.
For this cause I entered into this world, to bring forth this Love,
Who's blueprinted design was fashioned before the dawn of creation.
And though you are so universal, yet you are solely my heart's devotion,
To birth into reality, a genuine compassion, and unmatched unconditional Love.

She questions how I love her, asking, unknowingly, Yet believing she understands,
How far my love expands to encompass her every being.
All she is and ever will be,
Is for a lifetime far too minuscule to display,
All that we could ever be,
So we cherish this time of life, and set our Love free.