Sunday, May 27, 2018

#183 Why?

You hurt me, more than I believe any could,
More than I figured you ever would.
I don't understand the words which flow between your lips.
How can you say the things you do,
And yet profess that you love me too.
How can you say you're doing this for me,
When it's the furthest thing I want to see.
My heart is torn, sliced by infected words,
Vicious letters placed together which are solely absurd.
I regret the night my ears ever heard those sounds,
Figured we'll be forever, the place were love abound.
Now I wonder how I'm going to make it through this day,
When I know thoughts like these fill your head.
No wonder you can't hear me when I say you're the only one I want,
My soul bleeds at the thought without a you or me.
You seemed so calm as your tore my heart,
Attempting to understand where this came,
My mind soon followed suit.
I never wanted you to feel this way,
Wishing there was something I could say to turn the tide.
Left with empty hands wondering Why.
Why would you push me away when were so close?
Why do you despise yourself, thinking this is good for me?
When my heart was dying you were all I need.
Why can't you see you've been my shining light,
Only hoped you'll allow me to be your shining knight.
Why do you call this love sending me away?
When if you really loved me you'll fight for me to stay.
Because with you, and you only is what I've always dream to be,
So why am I not enough for you to believe in We?