Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Confessions III: Daydreaming

My Heart's tripping, thoughts slipping,
Submerged into the conscience of loving you,
The more I do, the more it's indubitable.
I can’t die, not until a sensation of your touch,
I can’t, not until I feel your calm of your soul.

Dance all night, then rest in my arms.
See within me, I'll be the sum of your heart,
Revealed contents of stories no one has seen.
Gaze into my eyes as we fall asleep,
Dreaming a dream that’s come to light.

I hear the rain, let it rain all night,
Pour until it floods our souls,
As we drift upon it's waves.
Be my only love, don’t delay,
As I've heard the things others say.

There’s none I love more than you.
I’ll be a fool to believe everything you speak,
Yet love has caused me to be a fool for you,
As I constantly thirst to be full of you,
Is its you, or how I within?

A taste of both, which is my delight.
Amending my plans talking big, but loving bigger,
No fear of harm, just pull the trigger,
For I am what you would have me be.

But overachieving would have me be,
More than you thought you would need.
My Heart's tripping, thoughts slipping,
For my soul commands thoughts be release to the atmosphere,
In the hopes of some place, some where you always hear.