Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Reckless Behavior

My soul's an inferno that cannot be quenched.
A fury of passion, the likes of which it has never known.  
Yet it is not consumed, 
Finding it calls for her,
Pleading her, to feed its emotions,
Beckoning, for the kindness of her tender touch.

And I,  finding myself staring into her eyes,
Realize she may never fully comprehend how much it cost,
Truthfully even I do not truly understand, 
How far I've traveled to be in her mist.
A road paved with desire, and failure,
My pains and griefs,
Disappointments beyond comprehension.

This I choose not to convey,
These thoughts, my memories,
A graveyard of past relationships,  
Let that be only for my eyes to see.
For this union, defined from the dawn of creation,
Shall be rendered my new beginning.

Forgetting those things which are behind me, I press,
Forward against my apprehension.
Quickly loosing my tension,
Releasing the grip to the daily experience which I call my life.
Recklessly, without notion of fear,
As if I have never been damaged.

Writing, but never seeing the fruits, 
Of one who speaks my name with beautiful lips. 
Causing me to question, ponder, wonder,
Should I continue to hope? 
Should I proceed in love?  
Does it even matter?
Answers fall from the sky,
As you, the gift to my life you now abide,
Giving meaning to why I live, and for who I'll die. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Conflicted Contradictions

Years pass seeming like centuries,
As the cost of our union left me broken,
So many things were left unspoken.

Leaving me defenseless,
Unable to stand, but fighting to anyway.
I was attacked on all sides, bombarded by the lies.

Slowly slipping to my demise,
Wounded to unconscious understanding,
As I've come to realize I'm all that's left.

Attempting to run from the memory of you,
I am blinded by this new view.
Another comes to sight, surrounded by light,

Arming me with half a shield, and broken sword.
Pushing me to fight,
Although it's more than I had before.

I want more,
Caught between confused, and frustrated,
I picked up the pieces, as his sword and shield grow within,

And a new dawn begins,
My mind begins to settle,
But my heart craves more,

Vowing to never hurt again, I hush its cries.
Finally content, I bask in his light,
But nothing in my life ever turns out right.

From a tap on my shoulder, and whisper in my ear,
My eyes set its sights on my perpetrator,
Marveling at his transformation,

If it weren't my own eyes, I'd swear this was also a lie,
How could this be,
What does he want from me?

For it's still inconceivable for me to believe,
The once famed slayer of my heart,
Now presents himself a changed man, pure, reformed.

My new found savior, and a reformed slayer,
The possibly of new, and a love I once knew
My heart's found conflicted, as I'm caught between the two.