Friday, January 16, 2015

One More Day

Let me love again, breathe new life again,
Caress with wanting hands the edge of Love,
As she embraces me until she uncovers my soul.
Emotions invade my being that are only for you,
Leaves lingering questions of what now I should do.

An eternal love that will never cease,
As moon light gives permission and let's me thoroughly investigate,
Thoughts that jump track and trains I must relocate.
Striving against disconnecting,
While dodging the fears of discontentment.

Stationary the punishment for my mental slide,
After clamoring so hard just to find.
Pathways forward that shortens the distance,
Constantly revealing the Love I've been missing.

Where do I go, as I fall further for you,
Admitting I haven't been the same,
When my soul calls your name.
Remembering you at first sight,
Love that kept me through the night.

Quickly writing before my heart goes empty,
For I know there's words that need to be said.
Sitting here thinking about tomorrow, and what else I would say,
If I could hold this moment longer, and Love one more day.